Spring break is up for my two grandsons. Yaaaaaayyyyyyy!!!! Back to more me time. Decided to clean up my list of blogs I follow--some rhyme and reason to that. Some were eliminated because even after I looked at them there was no memory who it belonged to and/or whatever interested me to start with was no longer there. Some were eliminated because there'd been no entries for 2+ years. But some I kept, inspite of the lack of entries, just because of the person!
I'm still trying to figure out how to merge all that I want to focus on in one blog. There are several that I follow that have done that so well. I only have two, but knowing myself I could easily have 5 or 6 or more. When and if I can figure out how to merge (if that's possible) the two I have, I will.
Since I'm on this one, let me talk knitting a bit and bring things up to speed. I was so excited about the opportunity to teach knitting (and crochet--bad idea) at Michaels as a CYCA instructor. Foolishly I thought I could do that at more than one store. Not wise since I had to ferry between stores using public transportation. Not wise if I wanted to offer day and evening classes. Not wise since many of the in-store promotions and demos, held at the same time on the same day, required me to be there. There were no other instructors available to cover those events. I could never build up a class above two students. Michaels is devoted to many crafts so no one craft got more attention than the other. And often knitting was like the bald-headed step child of crafts. I'm sure some stores are more supportive than others. Good experience though.
I finally have my copy of the revised book, The Principles of Knitting by June Hemmons Hiatt. I ordered it online from Barnes and Noble at half the cost of the price I would have paid walking into the actual bookstore. I got a free offer of business cards and a tool to print out whatever I wanted printed out--I chose my name and address! If you are not careful you will add more stuff. I didn't. So only paid for the cost of shipping, at a standard delivery! I ordered really cute cards to hand out if anyone ever considers wanting a handknit item. In addition to my contact info, I borrowed a line from June Hemmons Hiatt - Even the simplest hand-knit garment is a luxury to include on my card. I treated myself to a new digital camera, a Canon PowerShot ELPH 100 HS. So when I get some more time I will take photos of that card and some WIPs and post them.