I wanted to merge my two blogs. And I did after a little sought out help from a friend and fellow blogger. But even so there was not enough differentiation. Silly me. That's what pages were created for. No matter how much help one gets, you still have to figure some things out for yourself. I will have to remember how I got to the place on my page to post. Seeing only the prompt to 'comment' sort of threw me. Where do I post I thought! Aha! You have to experiment. Nothing you can do can not be undone. And that is how I am here. Since this page is about all things knitting, I feel an overwhelming obligation to keep the posts short and post plenty of photos. So here is my first one.
Oh shush now . . .
. . . one day I will become anal enough to organize my circulars in CD covers, etc. Yes, that is a WIP/UFO (take your pick). That needle guage, cardboard thing that it is, is way better and more accurate than all the new plastic and metal ones available today. If it's not, oh well. I live by it when in doubt. The book, just the tip of the iceberg (lol). And yes, that is an old Maxwell House coffee can!
Recently completed projects . . .
Elegant Lap Rug |
Flary Sweater for Olivia |
Butterfly Hat modeled by Aiden |
Rectangle Neck Tie |
Rectangle Neck Tie (rear view) |
Deborah Tomasello designs! My first attempts (successful) at colorwork and steeking on a needle holder (the floats hold the needles) and a hat!