I didn't mean for a week to go by before I posted again. But actually, it works out well for now if I post weekly. I'm still trying to learn how to do things to make my blog nicer; to get it set up the way I really want it (excuse my construction dust). But that's like waiting on perfection, and perfection is not something I believe in. I only believe in something/someone getting better. I used to tell my first grade class "practice doesn't make you perfect, it makes you better!" Again, excuse my "site under construction" mess as I add to my blog. In spite of how busy I am, I don't want to wait a week before I post. It won't be everyday, but a week is too long! Soon I will have my links to Twitter, Flickr, etc., etc., etc. And I will have photos very soon, within my posts!!!!! So be patient.
Joyful Occasion . . .
The usual happenings occurred this past week; work, seizing time to knit, get some rest, and do other things for myself, taking care of Mom and Grandson. Khalil and I spent all day last Saturday, and I mean ALL DAY, at our Chicago P.A.W.S. (Pets Are Worth Saving) shelter adopting a cat. There were two cats we loved. The one we didn't get was named Caitlyn, the fluffiest cat with the longest tail whom I believe could/would sit on your lap for as long as you would sit. She had orange (no kidding) eyes. But Khalil liked Hayden (both females) more. So I let him pick the cat we'd take
A Sad Reminder . . .
I live in Chicago! Enough said. But we read and hear about senseless violence everyday, all over!! It really hit a little too close to home last Friday, April 17th. I picked Khalil up from school; driving, I made two right turns which put us on a busy main (79th) street. Minutes after going through the intersection there was gunfire. I'd made the decision to continue on to the McDonalds rather than stop at Burger King. I'd made the decision to stay on the bumper of a vehicle in front of me to get through a yellow light. Had we gone to Burger King and/or waited for the next green light we might have either witnessed the shootings and/or been in the line of fire. While we were waiting to pay for our McDonald purchases, we heard what we thought were firecrackers; saw kids running. Then with the rising voices, sirens (which came quick) realized it was gunfire. By the time we got our food and pulled out of McDonalds, I saw one boy on the ground, being held up in a sitting position, blood streaming from his face---so much blood---onto his arm, chest, etc. This 19-year-old got shot in the eye. He survived, I later learned. I also later learned that another boy was killed near the Burger King in the same shooting. I drove back around to Khalil's school and told the adults to redirect children (and parents) who might be walking that way. Father Bob mentioned the senseless violence during family Mass on Sunday.
Life Goes On . . .
Obviously a bit more cautiously, warily . . . Reminders everyday of how short life can be, how precious life is, but how we still have to tackle life head on! Isn't it great to be a part of the bunch who appreciates life, how precious it is, and not a part of those who don't value life. The dichotomy (if this is the right word) of two events---one speaking of life and it's simple life-affirming act/joy of getting a pet, and one speaking of life not being valued (the shootings) is not lost on me.
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