Monday, July 26, 2010

Happy Birthday 2 Me

I've blessed to complete another year, my 59th to be exact. I've awoken to sincere and loving birthday wishes from friends via Ravelry and Facebook so far. There will be more to come. I can't wait!

I treated myself to a birthday gift yesterday and it was definitely in keeping with the motivation behind this, my new blog that is devoted to knitting and taking myself out of my comfort zone. Ta dahhhhh. I purchased the awesome Shirley Paden's book, Knitwear Design Workshop: A Comprehensive Guide to Handknits. First, I thought I shouldn't be spending this amount, not at this time! (Why not? I don't question spending on others!). Second, I thought that the material in this book is for an expert knitter or at least a more accomplished one! How will I ever get more accomplished if I don't push myself? If I don't step out of my comfort zone? If I don't challenge myself. Ms. Paden obviously knew folks like me would be drooling over a book like this, with doubts--she addressed us right away in her introduction. It was as if she were talking to those of us who wanted to but were afraid to stepping out of our comfort zone. I am an eager student of Ms. Paden's now and know my money was not wasted, as I proceed through this book.

My commitment to challenging myself makes me realize I must discipline and pace myself so as not to continue to pile up WIPs, UFOs, and OTNs. So far I'm managing. A year ago this time I honestly didn't have the time to knit. Now that I do, I realize I am not ADHD (as we knitters often jokingly say we are). But, now I am forced  to face the consequences of my actions, to take responsibility for my lack of self control when I hit the LYSs. So I am committed to working ONLY two projects at a time though I may have more in the background, and not starting another one UNTIL I have completed at least one of those two projects. So far so good!

I am working on a Knitting Pure & Simple, top down, Scoop Neck T Shirt. I am using Filatura Di Crosa Fancy Tempo. I love Top Down patterns, no seaming.

I am knitting Sally Melville's Einstein Coat using, Elaine, a hand-painted luxury fiber Schaefer Yarn (99% Merino Wool, 1% Nylon). The color concept is one of a series created for "Memorable Women." This color is called Rosa Parks. It's a beautiful varieagated color. It's my humble opinion that the colors are an attempt at imitating a kente cloth type color. The yarn is spun thin and thick in places. It's a beautiful yarn to work with considering this entire coat is done in a garter stitch. It feels good and the color is so interesting. I can only imagine the different color outfits that can be worn with it. I even received a PM on Ravelry from Sally Melville complimenting the yarn.

Hi there!

I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write: I was away, teaching, then travelling with family, and it seems like forever since I’ve been here!
I love Cheryl’s yarns, so I’m sure it will work. And the coat is WONDERFUL in variegated yarns! so enjoy!!!

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