I completed my Super Cupcake Cowl & Hat! My Grandson obliged me and modeled it for me until I settled on a photo of me wearing the items, that I was satisfied with. Lots of knitting, but surprisingly I didn't get bored with it! This was the first time I've worked the K1B stitch. It is an interlocking stitch that provides more warmth than a regular rib stitch. And, AND, how did I notice the K1B stitch in the hats that others were wearing out in public--I was amazed. This is all about stepping out of my comfort zone and learning new things!

Khalil J.
I also finally finished my Knitting Pure & Simple #283 Top Down Scoop Neck T by the fabulous knitwear designer Diane Soucy! I've been wearing it. I used, IMHO, a yarn that was way too expensive for this project. But the yarn feels really good on my skin. The tweediness of the yarn sort of hides the garter stitch borders around the neck, sleeves, and hemline. I will do this pattern again, in yarns more suitable for summer. And I might modify it and use a Seed Stitch for the borders. We'll see!
the hat and cowl looks great on you Susan, as does your top but then I already told you that. Keep up the good work